Monday, July 1, 2013

Where Goes Digital History

Just notice that I haven't posted here since last December.  I have been keeping busy.  For example, I did navigate the course creation process at Northern Virginia CC to get approval to add a new course to the history offerings at the college, Introduction to Digital History.  My next chore will be to get that approved as an online offering.  I have also been updating my work as a Chancellor's professor.  Wish I could be doing more, but I have been side-tracked by the realities of the need to coordinate our history schedule both on campus and online and also the need to find and hire new adjuncts.

On the DH front, I am struck by how much talk there is of data, and this is a tough call for a historian to make the realization that the discipline might be going in a data direction instead of just a read and interpret documents.  Over a hundred years ago, Marx tried to put history on a scientific footing with his study of economics.  I wonder if the new crop of digital historians might succeed where he failed.

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